Create A Real Impact In The Customer’s Efficiency Efforts
A Hands-On Approach to help generates unique opportunities of Energy Conservation and Operational Efficiencies for the Customers.
Atlanta, GA (November 9th, 2018)
Staying current with the technological advances of new products and services always present a challenge to the key players in the market. It is an even bigger challenge for the EIS affiliate network when the traditional engaging points to the end-user have become too narrow to present the ever-changing selection of Energy Conservation and Operational Efficiency Measures that EIS is able to offer.
With the 2018 theme “GO BIG!”, this year’s Open Forum dramatically shifted the conventional strategy of presenting the capability of a line of products to display the company’s proficiency in extending a helping hand. More importantly, the Forum presented ground-breaking tools and technologies that improve customers’ financial bottom-line with efficiency improvements to their production assets and reducing consumption of their main consumable resources (power, water, fuel).

GO BIG! represents expanding EIS’ core business approach from a “power tradition” to “INNOVATION IS THE TRADITION”, demonstrating that EIS has fully crossed the threshold of conventional energy conservation mode to real-time enhanced optimization and renewing productive resources in a sustainable form.
The EIS Affiliate Challenge
The 2019 challenge kicked off November 8th, when Alex Figueiras, EIS’ CEO, and Laurence Bleicher, owner of the EIS affiliate company Energy LB Resources, presented real-life experiences of “Lucky Breaks” in their companies. These golden opportunities with a variety of industry customers created growth trends in their businesses.

With these open talks the audience atmosphere was set for enlightening discussions about the EIS affiliates’ positive experiences and how to replicate them. While also shared, debated and analyzed some discouraging incidents and their different routes to solve, or even avoid them in the future.
Later on, the momentum increased with details of some of the newest products and services EIS is adding to the portfolio to support what they called “the tsunami of water and HVAC opportunities,” since they involve a strong and quick new direction of reducing fresh water consumption; increasing the efficiency of HVAC and refrigeration systems; and even, recycling post process water. In short, EIS provides increased productivity and significant cost reductions of two of the most important production resources: power and water.

The participation of Rich Cooley, SunTrac USA CEO, Alan Kuehler, FrigiTech International CEO, Enrique Perez-Young, EIS CMO, and Gaby Bolaños, owner of the EIS affiliate company Enersyst, engendered a “tidal wave” of possible and viable alternatives to penetrate the current customer base and even expand the market with non-traditional industries for the Affiliates.
The Hands-On Approach
The intense activity at the Forum started early on November 9th, with a group energy audit of the Crowne Plaza Hotel for hands-on application and quick implementation when the EIS Affiliates return to their daily jobs. The Affiliates performed a complete mock pre-assessment procedure of the facility, following the protocols recommended by the manufacturers and the EIS technical personnel, in order to analyze the opportunities to generate savings and efficiency improvements for the hotel.

The one-to-one sessions of each affiliate with the OEM’s and service providers’ representatives, like Bob Vance, Channel Account Manager of Telkonet, and Sudhi Rao from EcoInsight, were the finest moments of the convention.

The participants encompassed subjects like: how essential it is to complete the pre-assessment questionnaire with the customer, and not only by the customer; the criticality of the depth of data-collection; the importance of the interaction with the end-user to weigh the rationality of the information collected and the reliability of the source; and other necessary complexities of the preliminary activities required to be performed for an accurate evaluation of the Energy Conservation Measures to be recommended and the secret to the success of the implementation of such efficiency systems.
The EIS Board of Directors and personnel feel compelled to express gratitude to all the affiliates that participated of this year’s version of the Open Forum. The deep understanding and identification with the intricacies faced by the affiliates in the everyday trenches is of the utmost importance to enhance the EIS multi-technology solutions proposal to the market.
About Energy Integrated Solutions, Inc.:
40+ years of experience in industrial energy efficiency, while working with a certified M&V professional staff, has ranked EIS, across the national and global market, as one of the top organizations focused on optimizing and improving energy conservation and operational efficiency with a savings guarantee. Its integrated and service-oriented approach provides the flexibility to address customer needs, while reducing risk and capitalizing on financial and operational savings. EIS offers full energy and operational consulting services through a holistic vision.
Media Contact:
Enrique Perez-Young
Chief Marketing Officer
Office: 404-937-6547 Ext 721
Mobile: 404-433-9013
Energy Integrated Solutions, Inc.
1040 Boulevard SE, Suite D
Atlanta, GA 30312