"The planning was very thorough, and the execution was flawless."
Plant Engineer, Mondelez International

Freeman Webb Nashville House
Energy Savings Case Study
K&N Office Limited Partnership owns and manages commercial office buildings and apartments throughout the United States including The Nashville House - a 150,000 sq. ft. office complex consisting of 5 buildings, 4 stories each in Nashville, TN. They wanted to lower their energy usage without making load changes or interfering with the daily operations of their facilities and hired EIS to create an engineering design to see how much savings could be achieved within the goal of 36 month payback period. Pleased with the projected savings and a guarantee underwritten by Lloyds of London, the Nashville House then hired EIS to complete the installation, which took 45 working days.
Subject Information
Facility: Nashville House
Facility Type: Office Building
Facility Size: 150,000 sq. ft.
Savings Analysis
Monthly Savings
Payback Period
32 months
31 months
Technology Used
EASI Liner, VFD, Lighting Upgrades, TVSS

Annual Environmental Benefits
1,191,918 lbs CO2
442 barrels of oil
335 tons of coal
8,974 lbs of SO2
Equivalent to removing 99 vehicles
Additional Benefits
Reduced maintenance costs
Standardized lighting in the entire building
No special training or employee involvement
2012 Freeman Webb Award for Energy Efficiency

Energy Integrated Solutions, Inc. (EIS)
1040 Boulevard SE, Suite D
Atlanta, GA 30312 USA